
Information about the Academy according to the German Telemedia Act

Nds. Akademie Ländlicher Raum e. V.
c/o Nds. Städte- und Gemeindebund
Arnswaldtstraße 28
D-30159 Hanover

T +49 511 / 1211-0
F +49 511 / 1211-10203
E info [at] (info[at]alr-niedersachsen[dot]de)

Managing Director: Wolfgang Kleine-Limberg, Hannover

Registered office of the company: Hannover
Register of associations: Amtsgericht Hannover, VR 6008
The place of jurisdiction is Hanover.

Country of registration: Germany

Responsible in terms of press law: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Kleine-Limberg

Site creation:
S:DESIGN, Rüdiger Schubert