For reviewers

To participate in the ALR University Award, participants should submit their student research project, thesis or dissertation as a whole.

In addition to the jury's evaluation, we need an initial professional assessment by the supervisor of the thesis. Therefore, we ask you to send us a short expert opinion. (see template in the download area).

You can use the template or provide the jury with a comparable expert opinion. Please hand over the expert opinion in a closed envelope to your student or send it directly to the ALR office:

Nds. Akademie Ländlicher Raum e.V.
c/o Nds. Association of Towns and Municipalities
Arnswaldtstraße 28
30159 Hanover

E-Mail: einreichung [at] (einreichung[at]alr-hochschulpreis[dot]de)

Please note that the deadline also applies to the expert reports: October 14th, 2024

If you have any questions about the ALR University Award or the preparation of the expert report, please do not hesitate to contact the ALR office or the chairperson of the jury:

PD Dr. Sylvia Herrmann
Phone: 05331/885954
E-Mail: herrmann [at] (herrmann[at]umwelt[dot]uni-hannover[dot]de)